Increase citations, ease review & collaboration – Making machine learning in research reproducible#






Euroscipy 2022

Basel, Switzerland



Every scientific conference has seen a massive uptick in applications that use some type of machine learning. Whether it’s a linear regression using scikit-learn, a transformer from Hugging Face, or a custom convolutional neural network in Jax, the breadth of applications is as vast as the quality of contributions.

This tutorial aims to provide easy ways to increase the quality of scientific contributions that use machine learning methods. The reproducible aspect will make it easy for fellow researchers to use and iterate on a publication, increasing citations of published work. The use of appropriate validation techniques and increase in code quality accelerates the review process during publication and avoids possible rejection due to deficiencies in the methodology. Making models, code and possibly data available increases the visibility of work and enables easier collaboration on future work.

This work to make machine learning applications reproducible has an outsized impact compared to the limited additional work that is required using existing Python libraries.