Increase Citations#

Scientific citations play a critical role in the world of research and academia.

They serve as a means of acknowledging the contributions and ideas of scientists. Moreover, they help to establish the credibility of one’s own work. By citing relevant and reliable sources, we are able to build upon the existing knowledge base and contribute to the advancement of science and technology.

Scientific citations additionally elevate accuracy of research and prevent plagiarism, as well as provide a record of the progression of scientific thought and ideas. All in all, scientific citations are an essential part of the scientific process, promoting transparency, accountability, and the pursuit of knowledge.

Finally, citations are used to evaluate the impact of a researcher’s work and to determine the importance of their contributions to the field. One of the main reasons we are interested in making our research citable.

There are three main parts in this guide that increase the citability of our work:

Model sharing#

Sharing machine learning models can help increase the citations of scientific work in several ways:

  • Reproducibility: Sharing machine learning models increases the transparency and reproducibility of scientific work. This is because other scientists can easily use shared models to confirm the results and replicate experiments, which increases confidence in the validity of the findings. This sets up to increased recognition of the original authors’ work.

  • Improved Model Quality: Sharing machine learning models also provides opportunities for other scientists to improve the models and extend the work. Researchers then suggest modifications or extensions to a model. These contributions increase the visibility and impact of the original authors’ work, and result in additional citations.

  • Broader Impact: By sharing machine learning models, researchers can make their work more accessible to a wider audience. This includes researchers from different fields, practitioners in industry, and even the general public. The wider dissemination of the work increases awareness and understanding of the research, leading to citations.

Overall, sharing machine learning models can help increase the citations of scientific work by promoting transparency, reproducibility, improved model quality, and broader impact.


Machine learning benchmarking increases citations of scientific work by providing a standardized way to evaluate and compare different machine learning models on a specific task. This allows researchers to compare their models to others in the field, and demonstrate their model’s performance in a standardized, transparent and reproducible way.

By participating in machine learning benchmarking, researchers can showcase the strengths and weaknesses of their models, and provide evidence of their model’s performance relative to other scientists. This helps to increase visibility and credibility of their work, and leads to increased citations. For instance, a machine learning model that performs well on a benchmarked task is more likely to be noticed by others in the field, and may be more likely to be used by other researchers as a baseline for their own work.

Additionally, participating in benchmarking can also provide opportunities for collaboration, as researchers may identify areas for improvement in their models and work together to address these issues. This leads to increased citations as the improved models are recognized and cited by others in the field. Overall, machine learning benchmarking helps increase citations of scientific work by providing a standardized way to evaluate and compare models, increasing visibility and credibility, and providing opportunities for collaboration.


Machine learning testing increases citations of scientific work by providing a rigorous evaluation of the performance and reliability of machine learning models. The use of well-designed testing procedures can ensure the validity and accuracy of a model, which in turn can increase its visibility and credibility among the scientific community.

When a machine learning model is thoroughly tested, it is easier to use pre-existing solutions and reproduce. Other researchers may use it as a basis for comparison and further development.

Furthermore, testing can also identify areas where a model may have limitations or weaknesses, allowing researchers to address these issues and improve the model, which provides a clear and objective evaluation of machine learning models and research code.